KBOO 2020 Election Coverage



Published date: 
Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - 11:46am

As we gear up for Oregon primaries on May 19th, and national elections in November, KBOO is committed to bringing you fair and accurate news about the elections and bringing you the voices of state and local candidates - both the well-known and well-funded, and those who don't get air time on any other media outlet!

On this page you can find links to the candidate interviews and other election reporting that has aired on KBOO.

5/20/20 Oregon Election Results (from the Oregonian newspaper)

Oregon Election News and Interviews:

Democratic Candidate for Secretary of State

Portland Mayoral Race:

Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Position 12 Candidate Interviews:

Multnomah County District Attorney:

Portland City Council Position 4:

National Election News:

3/3/20: Democracy Now! Super Tuesday live special with The Intercept

COVID19 is severely impacting the ability of people in the US to be able to vote.

As of April 13th, 2020, these are the changes that have been made just to statewide primaries:

  • Alabama has moved its primary runoffs from March 31 to July 14.
  • Alaska Democrats have canceled in-person voting for their presidential primary (which had been scheduled for April 4) and will accept mail ballots until April 10.
  • Connecticut has moved its presidential primary from April 28 to June 2.
  • Delaware has moved its presidential primary from April 28 to June 2.
  • Georgia has moved its presidential and downballot primaries from May 19 to June 9 and its primary runoffs from July 21 to Aug. 11. Previously, the presidential primary was moved from March 24 to May 19.
  • Hawaii Democrats have canceled in-person voting for their presidential primary (which had been scheduled for April 4) and will accept mail ballots until May 22.
  • Indiana has moved its presidential and downballot primaries from May 5 to June 2.
  • Kentucky has moved its presidential and downballot primaries from May 19 to June 23.
  • Louisiana has moved its presidential primary from April 4 to June 20.
  • Maine has moved its downballot primaries from June 9 to July 14.
  • Maryland has moved its presidential and downballot primaries from April 28 to June 2.
  • Mississippi has moved its primary runoffs from March 31 to June 23.
  • New Jersey has moved its presidential and downballot primaries from June 2 to July 7.
  • New York has moved its presidential primary from April 28 to June 23.
  • North Carolina has moved its primary runoffs from May 12 to June 23.
  • Ohio has canceled in-person voting for its presidential and downballot primaries, which were scheduled for March 17. The governor signed a bill allowing mail voting to continue through April 28, but it faces a legal challenge.
  • Pennsylvania has moved its presidential and downballot primaries from April 28 to June 2.
  • Puerto Rico has delayed its presidential primary indefinitely. Previously, the primary was moved from March 29 to April 26.
  • Rhode Island has moved its presidential primary from April 28 to June 2.
  • Texas has moved its primary runoffs from May 26 to July 14.
  • Virginia has moved its downballot primaries from June 9 to June 23.
  • West Virginia has moved its presidential and downballot primaries from May 12 to June 9.
  • Wyoming Democrats have canceled in-person voting for their presidential primary (which had been scheduled for April 4) and will accept mail ballots until April 17.

No changes in Oregon, which has a statewide vote-by-mail system.