Station Manager



THANK YOU for supporting the Winter Drive!

  Dear KBOO Community,  THANK YOU for your support during our recent Winter Drive! We made our goal and then some thanks to you. In just 3 days, we raised over $18,000! Woohoo! Because of your generosity, KBOO is able to bring volunteer powered, community focused radio to... Read more

ITEM NEEDED: Suitcase (carry on size)

Hey KBOO Community, We're in need of a carry-on size roller suitcase for our tabling team. Got one to donate? Please contact the station manager at manager [at] kboo [dot] fm or 503-231-8032.  Item must be in new or great condition. We put a lot of miles on our suitecases... Read more

KBOO is hiring a Fundraising Assistant

Fundraising Assistant Reports to: Station Manager Employment Status: Part Time ($15.56) Total Hours: Up to 17 hours per week Revised: January 2020     DEADLINE TO APPLY IS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2020 by 5PM Send a cover letter and resume to or bri... Read more

KBOO Declaración de Diversidad

KBOO Declaración de Diversidad   KBOO reconoce el individuo, sistématica, y institucional opresión que priva muchos grupos y individuales de la opportunidad de empleyo igual. Ademas, la misión de KBOO y carta es ensegurar que nuestra foca es un ellos quien son desatendido... Read more

Station Manager Resignation

On January 3, 2019 the Board of Directors of KBOO accepted the resignation of Delphine Criscenzo as Station Manager. Prior to her being named to that position, Del spent several years as an active volunteer and made numerous contributions as a programmer, trainer, collectiv... Read more

Station Manager Monthly Report

  Once a month, tune in to hear the station manager report. This is a report created for the board of directors and presented at their meeting on the 4th Monday of each month. The report goes through the different departments at KBOO and shares some highlights about what s... Read more

KBOO Pickin' 'ppreciation Party: a bluegrass breakfast fundraiser featuring Music From The True Vine

Join us May 6th from 9:30-11am at the Oregon Historical Society for a breakfast music event celebrating our station's long history of airing bluegrass music and supporting this music throughout the Pacific Northwest. The hosts from our popular bluegrass radio show, Music Fr... Read more

The Spring Silent Drive Strikes Again!

The KBOO Silent Drive is your chance to support your favorite community radio station AND have a chance to win some fabulous prizes! When we come together, we build our community’s resilience and there is no better time to invest in KBOO than now. Become a KBOO member and ... Read more

News from the Boo Interview

Airs at: Wed, 10/04/2017 at 5:45pm - 6:00pm
On Wednesday, October 4, 2017 Mic Crenshaw, KBOO's station co-manager, was kind enough to interview me for the weekly News from the BOO feature that he curates along with Delphine Criscenzo. Stay tuned for the transcript.  Read more

What is this Silent Drive?

The KBOO Silent Drive is your chance to support your favorite community radio station AND have a chance to win some fabulous prizes! When we come together, we build our community’s resilience and there is no better time to invest in KBOO than now.   Grand Prize: a three-d... Read more