Station Manager



¡Ayude a KBOO planear el futuro!

Quizás ha oído que KBOO está en medio de un proceso de planificación estratégica para planear los próximos tres años – en qué nos enfocaremos, cuáles serán nuestros objetivos, y cómo lograremos esos objetivos y servir mejor nuestra misión. Nuestro Grupo para Apoyar la Plan... Read more

Thank you to Everyone for a great 2016 KBOO Spring Membership Drive!

Many warm thanks to everyone who helped with the 2016 KBOO Spring Membership Drive, which took place 4/20 to 5/3.  We ended up only $5,000 short of our $120,000 goal, including a $20,000 day on the last day!   Thank you to all the amazing donors/members, volunteers, program... Read more

Building a Vision for KBOO for 2020

Dear KBOO Members,   As you may have heard, KBOO is currently in a strategic planning process to map out the next three years—what we'll be focused on, what our goals will be, and how we'll achieve those goals and best serve our mission. (For more about the strategic pla... Read more