

The Language of Food

Airs at: Fri, 05/27/2016 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Produced for Pacific Underground
If food were a language, what stories do we tell? This month, Pacific Underground explored what food signifies for us as Asian and Pacific Islande-Americans, what it means to us at different times of our lives, and, in a lot of ways, how we perceive ourselves. First, we sha... Read more

Burgerville Workers Union Fights Poverty

Airs at: Mon, 05/23/2016 at 6:00pm - 6:30pm
Produced for Labor Radio
Activists from the newly formed Burgerville Workers Union will share their stories and their demands for a $5 raise, affordable healthcare, fair scheduling and union recognition. Read more

An Inclusive Table and Eating in Eastern Oregon

Airs at: Wed, 05/18/2016 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Produced for Food Show
  We have an interview with Anna Thomas, author of "The Vegetarian Epicure" cookbooks. She talks about creating an inclusive dinner table in her new book "Vegan, Vegetarian, Omnivore." We also have a conversation with Lynne Curry, eastern Oregon resident and author of the ... Read more

Canning with Natural Sweeteners and Rooftop Farming

Airs at: Wed, 04/20/2016 at 11:00am - 12:00pm
Produced for Food Show
We'll be talking with Portland native Marisa McClelland who runs the website Food In Jars. She'll be discussing her new book "Naturally Sweet Food in Jars," which features safe ways to can foods without using refined sugar. We'll also have a conversation with Annie Novak wh... Read more

The Old Mole Variety Hour for January 25, 2016

Airs at: Mon, 01/25/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Denise Morris hosts this show and this is what it covers: 1.  Desiree Hellegers talks with Cowlitz Tribal members about the threat to their ancentral lands from a mining company. 2. Laurie Mercier and Joe Clement discuss the purpose, strategy and actions of the Portland Te... Read more

Water, Pesticides, and Flint, Michigan

Airs at: Mon, 01/25/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Dangerous water -- dangerous to our health -- has been in the news lately because of what happened in Flint, Michigan. Major polutants of water include pesticides from industrial agriculture. Jeremy Olsen is Assistant Director at the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pes... Read more

Occupy Malheur Psychology

Airs at: Mon, 01/11/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Jan Haaken and Tod Sloan discuss the occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. They consider the largely progressive history of occupation, often as a response to exhaustion of other attempts at redress, and usually entailing personal risk, as in occupations of se... Read more

Deregulatory Bills Pass House of Representatives

Airs at: Thu, 01/07/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Evening News
Two anti-regulatory bills were approved in House yesterday and today along strongly bipartisan lines. The HB 1155, known as the SCRUB Act, and HB 712, known as the Sunshine for Deregulatory Decrees and Settlements Act, were approved by the Republican majority en-route to a ... Read more

A Day in Paradise at the Portland Art Museum exhibition "Fallen Fruit of Portland"

Airs at: Sat, 10/24/2015 at 12:00am
Produced for The Underground
This audio was recorded by Caldera Youth at the "A Day In Paradise" series of events on Saturday October 24, 2015. Thanks to Beans, Little Hawk, the interviewees, and all Caldera helpers. Edited and produced by Erin Yanke. Fallen Fruit creates art installations in ... Read more

Upside Downtrodden - episode 126

Airs at: Sun, 11/15/2015 at 12:00am
Produced for Upside Downtrodden
EPISODE 126 TOPIC: FOOD EPISODE 126 SEGMENTS: JUSTWORTHY CAUSE - JUSTLABELIT.ORG, LISTS, WORDS TO LIVE BY We live in a world of make-believe, institutionalized by man-made systems of control which seek to disparage, undermine, and enslave society. Let Scott Mullin and Sea... Read more