Joe welcomes Portland State University History Professor David A. Horowitz to KBOO to put this whole thing in perspective. Where do we stand when looking through the long lens of U.S. history? Have we been here before or is this uncharted territory? Show up fed and well rested because class will be in session and your calls are welcome.
A native of the West Bronx and Long Island, New York, graduate of Antioch College, and a University of Minnesota Ph.D., David A. Horowitz began teaching U.S. cultural history at Portland State University in 1968.
The author of America’s Political Class under Fire: The Twentieth Century’s Great Culture War and The People’s Voice: A Populist Cultural History of Modern America, he has published in The Historian, Journal of Southern History, Popular Music and Society, Oregon Historical Quarterly, and The Oregonian. Getting There, a publication of Inkwater Press in association with the Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission, is also available in paperback and eBook format from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s Books, & other major retailers.