Kurt Cobain's Top 50 (Take 2)


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Air date: 
Fri, 02/24/2017 - 12:00am to 3:00am
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Another Stab at getting through Kurt's list of his top 50 Albums


Kurt Cobain would have turned 50 years old this week!

In his honor we are going to play a track from each of the albums on his list of his top 50 albums handwriten in his journal along with some other audio treats. (Last year we only got through 49 of his album picks, but we will get to all 50 this year!)

"Top 50 by Nirvana"

The Sacred Circle "TEMENOS" -Radio Show - with Diablo -Dirty Diablo


Listen to the Promo for the Episode here:
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What a great idea for a 3 hour show. I hope you fit all 50 in! I will definitely listen to this.

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