


Young Oregonians on the Health Crisis of Gun Violence

Airs at: Mon, 04/24/2017 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for More Talk Radio
Celeste and Cecil welcome Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)  2017 high school student winners of the 9th annual Greenfield Peace Writing Scholarship: Jessyka Evans of Tualatin High School, Keagan Rice of The Dalles High School, and Kennah Watts of Oregon Cit... Read more

Spies of Mississippi 

Airs at: Fri, 04/21/2017 at 11:30am - 12:00pm
Produced for Radiozine
  Spies of Mississippi is a journey into the world of informants, infiltrators, and agent provocateurs in the heart of Dixie. The film tells the story of a secret spy agency formed by the state of Mississippi to preserve segregation and maintain “the Mississippi way of li... Read more

Ex-CIA Officer John Kiriakou: The Reluctant Spy

Airs at: Fri, 04/21/2017 at 11:00am - 11:30am
Produced for Radiozine
  Join Chris Andrae for a conversation with the former CIA operative who was sent to prison for leaking classified information about torture. John Kiriakou was the first Central Intelligence Agency official to publicly confirm that agency interrogators waterboarded a high-... Read more

Former Army Airborne Ranger Reflects on Central America and Effects of the Military

Airs at: Fri, 04/21/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
  Former Army Airborne Ranger Dave Edgar served in Central America during the 1980's. His time in the military affected him greatly. Edgar regularly speaks to members of the community about the complications of military life.  In the first part of the show, veterans Mark ... Read more

Fire And Tears: Racism and Resistance Past and Present

Airs at: Mon, 04/24/2017 at 12:00am
Produced for Progressive Spirit
Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth was one of the leaders of the civil rights movement along with Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Abernathy.  But he was in many ways unsung.  Middle Georgia State University Professor Andrew Manis talks about the legacy of Fred Shuttlesworth.   In 199... Read more

Milenio / Books to Prisoners

Airs at: Mon, 04/24/2017 at 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Milenio is an organization that facilitates the involvement of Latinos at all levels of public decision-making and politics. Milenio strives to improve education outcomes, advocate for immigration reform, incarceration, women's rights, LGBT rights, political innovation and ... Read more

David Korten: Toward an Ecological Civilization

Airs at: Tue, 04/18/2017 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Alternative Radio
  Will Rogers, a famous U.S. humorist once said, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Good advice. Wish that it were heeded when it comes to climate change. Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, says, “there's tremendous disagreement” ab... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour April 17, 2017

Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
  Denise Morris hosts this episode of the Old Mole which includes Host Denise Morris talks with Margot Black about HB 2004 a proposed bill to end no-cause evictions and prevent massive rent hikes with rent control measures. Margot Black is a founding member of Portland T... Read more


Airs at: Mon, 04/17/2017 at 10:15am - 11:00am
Produced for Locus Focus
The Trump administration has declared a war on science. The first thing they did upon taking office was erase all references and data about climate change from government websites, and impose gag orders on scientists working for the EPA and Department of Energy. Then Trump ... Read more

Group Opposing Lincoln County Spray Ban Gets Help from Dow Chemical

Airs at: Thu, 04/13/2017 at 5:15pm - 5:30pm
Produced for Evening News
A ballot measure in Lincoln County would ban the aerial spraying of pesticides and herbicides. The last few years have seen a number of local and statewide agriculture reform measures face overwhelming industry opposition--for example the 2014 GMO bans in Jackson and Josep... Read more