The Metal Margin

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Airs at: Sat, 12/21/2024 at 12:00am - 3:00am
The Metal Antenna
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Women and BIPOC in METAL

Every 3rd Saturday,  12:00 AM - 3:00 AM

Join the Metal Maestra for a journey into the margins of metal, wherein ROCK the women and BIPOC from all over the world. The Metal Margin exists to smash the white male metal patricarchy, or at least the stereotype that the genre only consists of cis white men (because it proudly doesn't), and to spotlight, pulling out from the margins, the musical works of [EVERYONE ELSE]. Come, have your metal paradigm shifted, and taste the metal rainbow with the Metal Maestra on KBOO! \m/ \m/

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KBOO Stream 1
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The Metal Margin on 12/24/20

Airs at: Thu, 12/24/2020 at 3:00am - 5:30am
Produced for The Metal Margin

The Metal Margin Episode 1

Airs at: Thu, 11/26/2020 at 3:00am - 5:30am
Produced for The Metal Margin
What a great honor to be here on KBOO! Thank you for having me, The Metal Maestra; the first episode of The Metal Margin aired on Thanksgiving and I brought an onsluaght of indigenous and Latinx metal from the Americas to FM dial. Personal favorites included Navajo female-f... Read more