On-air protest


Hosted by: 
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Air date: 
Fri, 10/18/2019 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

You’re tuned in to Pacific Underground. In solidarity with the multiple generations of KBOO POC programmers and volunteers who have asked for systemic and cultural change at KBOO, we bring you week one of our on-air protest.


We stand in solidarity with KBOO’s POC caucus which seeks systemic and cultural change at KBOO.

We demand that KBOO prioritize and address the list of equity recommendations given to management by KBOO’s POC caucus in 2005, 2017, 2018.


Our demands include-


-Systemic racism be addressed.

-POC be supported in positions of gatekeeping.

-The lack of diveristy and equity in programming be addressed.

-The threads of white fragility and white privilege that permeate the station be awknowleged and addressed.

-50% of the programming schedule be hosted by POC.

-A re-evaulation of all programs to address racism, inequity, and a lack of true diversity on air.

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