What is that wind stirring- could it be The Witch of November come stealin'? Sure enough, the Gales of November will arrive early this year- the Annual Gales of November Special on KBOO radio, that is. The Gales of November refers to a line in the classic Gordon Lightfoot song "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald". The Edmund Fitzgerald, once the largest Great Lakes freighter, sunk during the huge Gale on November 10, 1975 with the loss of all 29 crew. In the spirit of Gordon Lightfoot's immortal 1976 tribute, on November 1 KBOO Folk Strippers Jack Bohl, Jonathan Lay, and Gordy Euler will get together to play songs about the Great Lakes, shipwrecks- especially on the Great Lakes and around the Pacific Northwest), mermaids, lighthouses, and other nautical merriment and mayhem- with an eye to starting your day with a smile. We may even have a live performance by Shanghaied on the Willamette! Join the fun from 530 to 700 am Pacific Time (we said the Gales of November would come early) on KBOO, 90.7 FM in Portland, 104.3 FM in Corvallis, 91.9 FM in the Columbia Gorge, and streaming live at www.kboo.fm.