Raspberry Red, Lemon Yellow, Orange Orange! Orange Stars, Yellow Moons, Green Clovers and Blue Diamonds!
Back To The Egg returns this Saturday 9/2 at midnight* with a new theme show just for you. In the spirit of past specials "Songs About Cities", "Songs About Science", "Songs About Crimes", and "Songs About Johnny" (oh and don't forget Beatlesque I and II), hosts Crackity Jones and Todd Bayles bring you "De Colores": 3 hours of songs about colors.
Supposedly the hosts have well over 3 hours of material culled at this point, and at no point have they used Google or any other sort of research aids. The songs they are bringing in were pulled strictly from their own recollections and collections.
You are invited to participate in the fun. Tweet your color songs to @backtotheeegg or call the studio line 503-231-8187 between midnight and 3am during the show to make your requests.
If you miss any portion of the program, remember that Back To The Egg is always available for you via the podcast (subscribe at the iTunes store) and via the archives here on the KBOO website. !Viva KBOO and their mastery of technology to make things easier and more musical for all of us listeners!
*technically Sunday morning 9/3