Labor Education Resource Center: A Participatory Learning Experience



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Air date: 
Mon, 04/03/2017 - 6:00pm to 6:30pm
An in-depth discussion with the Labor Education Resource Center and how it's goals will intercept with the Black community and Black workers.

Join hosts Tina Turner-Morfitt, Dr. Audrey Terrell,  and Ms. Deborah Hall in a discussion with Sherman Henry,  the new Career Instructor for the Labor Education and Research Center also known as LERC.

LERC was established in 1977 at the University of Oregon. LERC serves as a liaison between the state university system and organized labor.

Brother Henry is a grassroot organizer from Miami, Florida.  He is the former President/Executive Director of AFSCME Local 1184 for 21 years, was the treasurer and co-chair of South Florida Jobs with Justice and also taught at the Florida International University Center for Labor Research and Studies.

The topic of our show highlights LERC’s goal producing educational programs and being a catalyst for interaction between labor leaders, the community, nonprofit organizations and members of the academic community. 

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