Old Mole Variety Hour for February 27, 2017


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On this week’s Old Mole Variety Hour we ask, “can it happen here?” And how do we resist and begin to demand the impossible? Laurie Mercier hosts the episode where

  • Bill Resnick concludes his three-part interview with Bill Smaldone, on whether the U.S. is implementing a totalitarian state, and how to resist Trumpism.
  • Jay Thiemayer reviews Song of the Stubborn One Thousand about the 1985 Watsonville Canning Strike when Chicana cannery workers rose up to demand workplace justice.
  • Frann Michel revisits Sinclair Lewis's 1935 novel It Can't Happen Here
  • For the Old Mole Action Calendar, Laurie Mercier and Bill Resnick discuss local movements and upcoming actions that contend for a more just society.
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