Craig K. Collins on his memoir THUNDER IN THE MOUNTAINS: A Portrait of American Gun Culture


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Mon, 11/24/2014 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Craig K. Collins on his memoir THUNDER IN THE MOUNTAINS: A Portrait of American Gun Culture
Hosts Celeste Carey and Cecil Prescod interview Craig K. Collins about his memoir THUNDER IN THE MOUNTAINS: A Portrait of American Gun Culture. In the book Collins talks about  growing up with guns and explores gun violence from the perspective of someone who has experienced first-hand their lure, their importance to a way of life, and their capacity to wreak devastation.

As Collins writes in his memoir, he grew up in a family where owning guns was as much a part of life as driving a car. Collins enjoyed hunting with his father and learned how to shoot a gun at a very early age. Even though he took gun safety classes, he still ended up literally shooting himself in the foot at the age of 13 while hunting with his father atop an isolated peak in Northeastern Nevada with a high-powered rifle. He was 100 miles from the nearest hospital. That incident, a defining moment in Collin’s life which changed the way he thought about guns, opens the memoir, which goes onto to describe the story of 5 of his classmates who were victims of accidental gun shots – 3 died, one was brain damaged and one permanently scarred for life.

Craig K. Collins is the Executive Director of The Center for Gun Analytics, a San Diego-based non-profit.
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