On November 10, 1975 the Great Lakes freighter Edmund Fitzgerald was sent to a watery grave on the bottom of Lake Superior when she sailed into the teeth of one of the most powerful Gales of November of the Twentieth Century. The Gales of November refers to powerful storms that lash the Great Lakes with hurricane force winds and huge waves. The late great Gordon Lightfoot introduced the term Gales of November into pop culture with has classic 1976 ballad "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald," which tells the tale of her tragic fate when the Gales of November came early.
Gordy and Jonathan have been singing sea shanties and songs of sailors and the sea for well over 25 years as Shanghaied on the Willamette and have teamed with Jack almost as long for our annual Gales of November show featuring our favorite songs about shipwrecks, The Great Lakes, mermaids, lost sailors, and other nautical mayhem.
Don't miss Jack, Gordy, and Jonathan's wildly entertaining return to the KBOO studios for a LIVE celebration of our umpteenth annual Gales of November show at 530 am PST on November 6.
It's a sure cure for post election blues!