Hosted by Abe Proctor. (Joe Uris is _still_ on vacation, the Bum!)
In a nod to outmoded notions like equality and inalienable rights, the Supreme Court overturned California's ban on gay marriage last week. As some radio hosts have observed, injustice and iniquity endure, but there has been an inexorable march in America toward a condition of more freedom, more justice, more equality. We're not fully equal yet, folks, but we just got a little more equal. Reaction from the right has been predictable.
And there's homework! Verizon and Google are on the verge of striking a deal with the FCC that would effectively end Internet neutrality. This would usher in an age where Internet providers would be able to give preferential treatment -- in the form of speed and access -- to the content of their choice, ending the grass-roots populism that has characterized the Web to date.
So call the White House comment line, 202-456-1111, and tell them to keep the Internet neutral and free. While you're at it, call Nancy Pelosi (202-225-0100) and Harry Reid (202-224-3542) and tell them the same thing. And/Or, sign the petition.