Letter Carriers, JOBS with JUSTICE and VOZ
KBOO 90.7 FM, streaming at KBOO.fm (also archived at kboo.fm/node/30365)
Monday, August 22nd, 6 – 6:30pm.
Letter Carriers and other postal workers are facing a barrage of scare tactics from the Postmaster General, including the threat of eliminating 30% of the workforce, half the post offices and three days of mail delivery. Kevin Card, president of the Oregon State Association of Letter Carriers, tells host Jamie Partridge how the US Postal Service and their legislative allies are conspiring to gut workers wages, benefits and collective bargaining rights using a phoney debt crisis created by Congressional mandates.
In the second half of the show, host John Walsh talks with Portland JOBS with JUSTICE and VOZ, Portland Day Laborers’ Center about their current campaigns for workers rights and their upcoming joint benefit, the Solidarity Salsa Party (Sept. 24).