Longshore Battle Looms in Longview



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Air date: 
Mon, 01/23/2012 - 12:00am
Longshore Battle Looms in Longview

The Interntional Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) local 21 in Longview, Washington has put out the call to all working class people to come to Longview for an historic protest.  EGT, a giant multi-natiional corporation which controls one-third of the world's grain trade, is trying to bust the ILWU, one of America's most progressive and powerful unions.  EGT's first grain ship will be docking soon, escorted by the U.S. Coast Guard.  Host Jamie Partridge interviews Meredith Reese from the Labor Solidarity Committee of OCCUPY Portland about organizing for this pivotal battle of the 99% vs the 1%.


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