For this month's show, host Paul Roland brings you a whole bunch of songs of the month of May. There's the famous "Canzone del Maggio" by Fabrizio de Andre, from his 1973 album "Storia di un Impiegato" (Story of a White-Collar Worker). The album was inspired by the world-wide protests of 1968, in particular the French uprising of May, which is the subject of the song. May is a popular month for songs, with spring heading toward summer, flowers blooming and the promise of romance. Naples has its own May song tradition, and we'll feature a number of those, including "Torna Maggio," "Era d Maggio." and "Na sera e maggio." For Italian readers, you can find out more about Neapolitan "canzoni di maggio": https://www.radionapoli.it/le-canzoni-napoletane-di-maggio/
And finally (but not leastly), it's Bob Dylan's 82nd birthday on Wednesday, May 24 and we'll be playing a handful (manciata) of Dylan covers by Italian cantautori (singer-songwriters): De Andre doing Desolation Row (Via della Poverta'), I Nomadi doing "Ti Voglio" (I Want You) and Francesco De Gregori with a couple from his De Gregori Canta Bob Dylan: Amore e Furto album from 2015.