![The Self Help Radio logo with the phrase "Self Help Radio Presents Paralyzed"](https://kboo.fm/sites/default/files/styles/default_lead_1x/public/images/lead/station_content/shrparalyzed.jpg?itok=SGh35XfP)
Noticing, as a deejay might, there were lots of songs called "Paralyzed," I decided that might be an interesting theme to cover. The songs of course usually use the word metaphorically, so any actual damage to one's nervous system is not discussed or covered in this show. There are inteviews about certain kinds of paralysis - sleep paralysis, analysis paralysis, social paralysis, even animals that feign paralysis to avoid being preyed upon. & my gosh look! For two whole hours each song is simply called "Paralyzed"! (Well, there are some called "Paralysed" because some people don't spell the word properly.)
Sometimes events in life - in anxiety, in danger, in love - make one feel paralyzed. This show features a plethora of tunes about that. Most of them called "paralyzed"!