

Buscando America on 08/10/21

Airs at: Tue, 08/10/2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
En este programa escucharemos a Maru Mora activista y defensora de los derechos de los migrantes sobre el incremento de más del 100% en los casos de deportación y los casos de COVID-19 dentro del NWDC. La Dr. Lyn Jacobs de la clínica Virginia García habla en un conversatori... Read more

Wider Window Poetry with Angela Decker

Airs at: Mon, 08/02/2021 at 10:00pm - 11:00pm
Produced for Wider Window Poetry
Featured guest Angela Decker: additional poem by Claudia Castro Luna Read more

Angels With Broken Wings

Airs at: Mon, 07/26/2021 at 11:00pm - Tue, 07/27/2021 at 12:00am
Angels With Broken Wings  The problem we are seeing today is that 20% of inmates in jails and prisons suffer from mental illness. This means there are 386,000 inmates with serious mental illness in jails and prisons. Scientific studies show consistently, that art therapy h... Read more

Enigma!, Argoz, Hombres de Carne, Coatlicue, Three Souls in My Mind

Airs at: Fri, 07/23/2021 at 10:00pm - Sat, 07/24/2021 at 12:00am
Produced for La Ruleta

Old Mole Variety Hour July 19th, 2021

Airs at: Mon, 07/19/2021 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
  Denise Moriis Hosts this Episode of The Old Mole which includes   Commercial-Free Childhood. Bill Resnick talks to Susan Linn, about the corporate effort not just to sell to children, says Linn, but to takeover childhood and make them habitual consumers. Too in fact i... Read more

Buscando America on 07/06/21

Produced for Buscando America
Estamos transmitiendo desde la Ciudad de México! y estuvimos con Narradoras Urbanas Mx en una celebración por los 501 años de la Noche Victoriosa. Escucha sobre el taller de cocina Prehispánica y Náhuatl que organizó esta colectiva. En esta emisión también escucharás a las ... Read more

Buscando America on 07/06/21

Airs at: Tue, 07/06/2021 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Produced for Buscando America
Estamos transmitiendo desde la Ciudad de México! y estuvimos con Narradoras Urbanas Mx en una celebración por los 501 años de la Noche Victoriosa. Escucha sobre el taller de cocina Prehispánica y Náhuatl que organizó esta colectiva. En esta emisión también escucharás a las ... Read more

Wider Window Poetry with Alex Dang

Airs at: Mon, 07/05/2021 at 10:00pm - 11:00pm
Produced for Wider Window Poetry

The Horse

Airs at: Thu, 06/24/2021 at 5:30am - 7:00am
Horses and humans have been close companions for thousands of years. They carry us, pull loads for us, inspire us, and sometimes help us heal. In this episode you’ll hear songs, tunes, and poems inspired by horses. Traditional North American music, its roots, branches, and ... Read more

Times Like Now

Airs at: Tue, 06/15/2021 at 11:00am - 11:30am
Produced for Times Like Now
Renee Roman Nose is a native of the Cheyenne and Arapaho People. She is an Anthropologist, an international speaker, a poet, an actress, comedian and more. Her book of poetry, Sweet Grass Talking was nominated Oregon's Book of The Year in 2017. She's now working on a new bo... Read more