


KBOO and the Center for Intercultural Organizing Criminalization Podcast

The Center for Intercultural Organizing and KBOO Community Radio, with support from Oregon Humanities, has created a podcast that focuses on addressing the questions of how our communities define “crime” and “criminals”, the effects of labeling communities as “criminal”, an... Read more

Instafab Iron Workers On Strike Over a Year

Airs at: Mon, 04/25/2016 at 6:00pm - 6:30pm
Produced for Labor Radio
Non union workers at the Instafab Company have been on strike since February 2015 for better working conditions, fair pay, and respectful treatment at work. Last week, the company was fined by the Washington State Bureau of Labor and Industry $30,000 for safety violations a... Read more

Well-read Red: Black Study, Black Struggle

Airs at: Mon, 03/28/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Frann Michel points listeners to a forum in Boston Review on "Black Study, Black Struggle," featuring statements by Robin D.G. Kelley and responses by Keeanga Yamatta-Taylor and others. She recommends the conversation to anyone interested in student Black Lives Matter  acti... Read more

Las Trabajadores de Lexmark en Ciudad Juárez Luchan para Sindicato, Salario, y Empleo

Airs at: Mon, 03/28/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Labor Radio
En Ciudad Juárez, las trabajadores mexicanas de la empresa estadounidense Lexmark luchan por un sindicato independiente, salarios dignos, y sus empleos - la empresa las despidieron por razón de su actividad en defensa de sus derechos laborales. Están en plantón frente a la ... Read more

Bob Neimeyer Interview

Airs at: Sun, 02/28/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Between Us
Robert Neimeyer is a Republican who wants to fill the seat that was vacated by former Governor Kitzhaber. He's critical of what he calls "stupidity" on the part of Democrats both locally and federally, and he had some strong ideas about how to bring balance to government. ... Read more

The Old Mole Variety Hour for February 8, 2016

Airs at: Mon, 02/08/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Denise Morris hosts this episode and we hear: Tod Sloan interviews Mary Watkins, liberation psychologist and co-author of Up Against the Wall: Re-imagining the US-Mexico Border.   Bill Resnick talks to Maria Svart, national director of the Democratic Socialists of... Read more

Sex Workers: what hurts, what helps?

Airs at: Tue, 02/09/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
The Left and the Law with Jan Haaken and Mike Snedeker examine sex work, and whether prosecuting sex workers and shutting down websites increases the dangers of sex work. [Image Credit:] Read more

Democratic Socialists of America on Bernie Sanders' "socialism"

Airs at: Mon, 02/08/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Bill Resnick talks to Maria Svart, national director of the Democratic Socialists of America, about why declaring socialism is no longer the kiss of death in elections. But how does Bernie Sanders describe Socialism. He gets that wrong but still you got to love him. [Ima... Read more

Stephen Johnson Interview

Airs at: Thu, 02/04/2016 at 12:00am
Produced for Between Us
Stephen Johnson is a home care specialist and a democrat who is running for Oregon Governor. He talked with Don Merrill about his support for guns in Oregon schools, why the state can't afford to pass up jobs that have been previously called a bad fit for the state's "chara... Read more