Nimiipuu Mole Julian Ankney hosts this decolonial Thanksgiving Show, which
features the following segments:
Beginning in grade school, American school children are steeped in the
American mythology of Thanksgiving, cosplaying pilgrims and their Wampanoag
hosts peacefully...
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Back in April of 2023, a 9-year-old girl in Shasta County, California was
raising a 4-H goat named Cedar when she realized that she couldn't go
through with giving up her friend to be sold and slaughtered, as the program
demands. The fair board, which runs the 4-H progra...
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Today we honor Oregon Environment Icon Bob Sallinger, who died on October 30.
For over 30 years Bob has been a regional fixture advocating and fighting to
protect our rivers, wildlife, forests and communities from environmental and
social degradation and injustice. One of h...
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Socialist City Councilors-elect Tiffany Koyama Lane, known as Teacher
Tiffany, and Mitch Green, a green energy economist, talk about their vision
for building working-class power in Portland, Oregon
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Karen Anderson is the dedicated president and founder of Cannon Beach Bunny
Rescue, which is a 501(c)(3) certified rabbit rescue dedicated to finding
and implementing peaceful, compassionate solutions to the rabbit
overpopulation in Cannon Beach, Oregon, because every bunny...
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On Wednesday, November 20, we welcome the media activist and documentary film
producer Abby Martin to a regular monthly spot as co-host with Paul Roland on
Wednesday Talk Radio.
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For seven years Portland community members have been trying to shut down
Zenith Energy, a Houston-based oil company that sneaked into Portland in
2017. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality just opened the public
comment period for Zenith’s draft Air Contaminant Di...
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This month, we’re exploring queer protest songs.
The Invitation, Mary Oliver
Rid of Me by PJ Harvey.
Uprising of Love by Melissa Etheridge. Inspired by the Russian
governments’s violent abuse toward the LGBTQ community, which was only
highlighted by the 2014 Winter Olympi...
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Patricia Kullberg hosts this episode of the Old Mole, which includes the
following segments:
The Palestine Exception: After years of right-wing assaults on higher
education, attacks took a new form in 2023 and 2024 that has been described
as the new McCarthyism. As stud...
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Joe Hill was a beloved member of the IWW, a songwriter and activist who is
known for such labor classics as “The Preacher and the Slave,” “There
is Power in a Union,” and “Rebel Girl.” In 1914 he was convicted of a
murder the evidence suggests he did not commit. Tomorrow ma...
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