Tom Becker reads from two pieces on the bailout of finance capital by the
tax payers by William Greider, economic analyst for The Nation. You can
find the original articles here and here.
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Economist John Miller, who writes for Dollars & Sense and teaches at
Wheaton College, talks with the Old Mole's Bill Resnick about the current
financial crisis, where it's heading, and what progressives should be
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Larry Bowlden discusses Kate Christensen's novel The Great Man,
demonstrating the gap between the image a successful man projects to his
public and in his biography, and what the women in his life know about
him. Winner of the Pen/Faulkner Award. You can find more re...
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The Old Mole's Jan Haaken talks with Professor Cynthia Burack of Ohio State
about the Sarah Palin phenomenon and its impact on the Christian Right
and beyond.
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Listen to the Old Mole Variety hour Monday morning at 9:00 to hear the music
of Victor Jara and learn about his life. You’ll also find out what
progressives can do to build popular support for a more peaceful foreign
policy and why the Democrats are always playing defen...
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Are people in the US losing their patience with the wars their country gets
into? How can the anti-war movement reach and energize them, transforming
their passive discontent into a powerful voice for peace? Paul Joseph,
author of Are Americans Becoming More Peaceful,...
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An introduction to the life and music of the Chilean revolutionary
singer-songwriter Victor Jara, murdered in 1973 by the right-wing coup
against the democratic socialist government of Salvador Allende. This
segment includes an interview with writer and film maker Sa...
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At the rhetorical level, there is quite a difference between the Democrats
and the Republicans. Clayton Morgareidge tries to describe that difference
and what it says about the nation's political psychology. You can read this
piece here.
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Hosted by Clayton Morgareidge, this program features the life and music of
Victor Jara, the legendary singer-songwriter who helped elect the
democratic-socialist President of Chile Salvador Allende, and was murdered by
the Pinochet coup supported by the US in 1973. His ...
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Frann Michel, today's Red, reads today from several satirical takes on the
Sarah Palin persona and political phenomenon. You can read this piece here,
where you will also find links to the orginal sources.
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