Latest Content for Old Mole Variety Hour


Sex Work

Airs at: Sun, 08/31/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Attorney Mike Snedeker and the Old Mole's Jan Haaken reflect on the place of sex work --especially prostitution-- in society.  They discuss the controversy in Portland about "prostitution free zones" along SE 82d Avenue, and the different approaches to these matters in Euro... Read more

Obama and Progressive Politics

Airs at: Sun, 08/31/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Is the Obama  campaign  part  of  a  progressive politics?   Clayton Morgareidge quotes and sums up pieces  from three writers taking very different positions:  Steven Rosenfled, writing on AlterNet; Adoph Reed in the Black Agenda Report; and Bill Fletcher Jr. writing in Th... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for September 1, 2008

Airs at: Sun, 08/31/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
The Moles celebrate Labor Day by burrowing into issues surrounding  several  kinds of labor.  Labor  Historian Nathan Lichtenstein  talks  labor movement strategy and the SEIU with Bill Resnick.  Mike  Snedker and Jan Haaken  consider the plight of sex workers in Portland. ... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour on 08/25/08

Airs at: Mon, 08/25/2008 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Cuba: Interview, film review and commentary.Bill Resnick will interview Cuba expert Sam Farber. They will discuss Cuba in transition and the possibilities for development, self-determination and Socialist democracy. Movie Moles will review the 1964 film Soy Cuba! made by... Read more

Movie Moles: "Soy Cuba"

Airs at: Sun, 08/24/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Frann Michel and Denise Morris review the 1964 film Soy Cuba! made by Russian film makers  in support of the Revolution.  It's known now as much for its revolutionary film-making as its revolutionary politics.  Read more

Prospects for Cuba

Airs at: Sun, 08/24/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Samuel Farber is a long-time socialist born and raised in Cuba. He is the author of numerous works on that country including The Origin of the Cuban Revolution Reconsidered published by University of North Carolina Press.  The Old  Mole's Bill Resnick talks with him about l... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour for August 25, 2008

Airs at: Sun, 08/24/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Guided by Denise Morris, the Moles  vistit Cuba today.  Bill Resnick talks with Cuba expert Sam Farber about Cuba in transition and the possibilities for self-determination and socialist democracy.  The Movie Moles review the 1964 film Soy Cuba! made by Russian film makers ... Read more

Cuba on May Day

Airs at: Sun, 08/24/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
The Old Mole's Luz María Gordillo was in Havana's Revolution Plaza for the May Day march. Here are her impressions and her reflections on what Cuba means in this colorful report.  (Repeat)  And here are 3 photos she took that day: Read more

Georgia & Russia: What's really going on?

Airs at: Sun, 08/17/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
If you want a clear explanation of what's going on between Russia and Georgia (and the US), listen to this conversation between Middle-Eastern expert Stephen Zunes and the Old Mole's Bill Resnick as they lay out the background and the probable outcome.  See also his current... Read more

Achieving Thai Town, L.A.

Airs at: Sun, 08/17/2008 at 5:00pm
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
What is the importance for the Thai community in Los Angeles to have their neighborhood designated "Thai Town"?  Chanchanit Martorell, excecutive director of the Thai Community Development Center in L.A., talks with the Old Mole's Sudarat Musikawong.  Read more