First Monday from 10pm - 11pm
The Lit Fantastic features interviews with poets and writers from a variety of places,
at different stages of their writing careers, discussing their favorite or
strangest obsessions and interests.
Guests include: Rosebud Ben-Oni, David Campos, Helene Cardona, Nicelle Davis,
Jilly Dreadful, Brent Fisk, Eugenia Leigh, Christine Kitano, Valynne E.
Maetani, Ruben Quesada, Saba Razvi, Jon Tribble, Timothy Yu
From lighthouse climbing to gourmet burgers, the history and legends of the
Mekong River to robots and cyborgs, feminist readings of Fringe to 1980s
horror films, the League of Legends to the lives of female scientists, The
Lit Fantastic provides a unique glimpse into what inspires and captivates a
writer’s imagination and how that may (or may not) find its way into their