New CDs in Music Library May 24, 2012



New CDs in Music Library May 24, 2012

Edzayawa    Projection One    Soundway    Africa [contemporary]
The Funkees    Dancing Time    Soundway    Africa [contemporary]
Lil' Ed & the Blues Imperials    Jump Start    Alligator    Blues [urban]
Various artists    Kin: Songs by mary Karr & Rodney Crowell    Vanguard    C&W
Future Sounds of Buenos Aires    Self-titled    Waxploitation    Electronica
Laid Back    Cosyland    Brother Music    Electronica
Lights Out Asia    Hy-Brasil    N5Music    Electronica
Grampus    Ilk Ilk    Self-released    Experimental
Janel & Anthony    Where Is Home    Cubeiform    Experimental
Music from the Film    VI Kommer Til A Fa Deg    Zero Moon    Experimental
Superfolk    Voluta Music    Self-released    Experimental
Chromatics    Kill for Love    Self-released    Rock [alt/punk]
Doe, John    Singing and Playing    Moonlight Graham    Rock [alt/punk]
Exitmusic    Passage    Secretly Canadian    Rock [alt/punk]
Gossip    A Joyful Noise    Columbia    Rock [alt/punk]
Hague    Black Rabbit    Temporary Residence     Rock [alt/punk]
Heavy Cream    Super Treatment    Infinity Cat    Rock [alt/punk]
Hoopdreams    Dark Summer    Dymaxion Groove    Rock [alt/punk]
K-Holes    Dismania    Hardly Art    Rock [alt/punk]
Knife & Fork    The Higher You get the Rarer the Vegetation    The Bureau    Rock [alt/punk]
Mountain, Mike    Hiding in the Rock    Mountain Music    Rock [alt/punk]
Mynabirds, The    Generals    Saddle Creek    Rock [alt/punk]
Normal Love    Survival Tricks    Ugexplode/Public Eyesore     Rock [alt/punk]
Slowdance    Boyfriend/Airports EP    White Iris    Rock [alt/punk]
Turing machine    What Is the Meaning of What    Temporary Residence     Rock [alt/punk]
Uncomfortables    Across the Shields, Vol. 1    Uncomfortable Music    Rock [alt/punk]
Beautiful Ttrain Wrecks, The    In the Midnight Blue    Self-released    Rock [regular]
Clark, Kara    Southern Hospitality    Foxy Music    Rock [regular]
JBM    Stray Ashes    Western Vinyl    Rock [regular]
Jeng    Sparky Guano    Aspect Recording    Rock [regular]
Jones, Justin    Fading Light    9:30 Records    Rock [regular]
Meiko    The Bright Side    Fantasy    Rock [regular]
Pegasus Dream    In Absentia    Sonitek    Rock [regular]