Voices from the Edge on 06-07-12 How did Portland police fare in new report on officer-involved shootings?



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Thu, 06/07/2012 - 12:00am
How did Portland police fare in new report on officer-involved shootings?

How did Portland police fare in new report on officer-involved shootings?

The Portland City Auditor released on May 30 a

new report

by outside experts that examined officer-involved shootings of "individuals experiencing some level of mental or emotional crisis." The investigation also scrutinized communication at the scene of critical events. Among the cases examined was the shooting death of Aaron Campbell. The report, which is part of a series of outside reports conducted by the auditor's office since 2002, comes as Portlanders will be choosing the next mayor - who will decide who serves as police commissioner - and a new council will be gearing up for the 2013 round of

collective bargaining negotiations

with the police association. This week, Jo Ann and Dave look at the report, its findings and it ramifications on policing, next year's collective bargaining agreement, and police accountability in the coming years.

Jo Ann Hardesty is a former state legislator, former director of Oregon Action and past board president of Portland Community Media, as well as a long-time leader in the struggle for racial and economic justice. Dave Mazza is a journalist and former editor of The Portland Alliance who has covered and been involved in Portland's civil rights, environmental, labor and peace movements for over 20 years.

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Co-Hosts: Jo Ann Hardesty and Dave Mazza

Producers: Dave Mazza and Jo Ann Hardesty

Program Engineer: Steve Nassar

Audio Editor: Alicia Olson

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