On today's episode, we welcome Dian Greenwood, author of the new novel Forever Blackbirds, from Travelers Moon Press. Dian has published essays in the online magazine The Big Smoke, and is a contributor to the anthology 2020: The Year of the Asterisk from University of Hell Press. Her debut novel About the Carleton Sisters came out last year. She has two more novels in the pipeline, including a sequel to Forever Blackbirds.
After studying both writing and counseling psychology in San Francisco, Dian now lives and writes here in Portland and works as a family therapist.
Author Suzanne Parry writes: “With lyrical, stirring prose, Dian Greenwood explores the universality of the human experience in a story about family, faith, and the ties that bind. Forever Blackbirds is a thoughtful tale about a matriarch who emigrated to America as a young teen… and the powerful role family history plays in molding her and the family she builds… A sad, splendid book that rings true.”