Nuclear is not the Solution


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On August 29th, The Guardian reported on the billions of dollars rich countries such as the United States spend on false technological solutions to the climate crisis. For many scientists, the government subsidizing nuclear power is one notorious example. Jan Haaken talks with physicist  M. V. Ramana about  his new book, "Nuclear Is Not the Solution: The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change." Ramana is a physicist and professor of public  policy at the University of British Columbia. They discuss the arguments that Ramana lays out in the book and what it means to work for a truly sustainable energy system. Ramana is also featured in the documentary film directed by Jan Haaken--Atomic Bamboozle: The False Promise of a Nuclear Renaissance.  They will both be part of a webinar panel on September 30th following a month of free online screenings of the film on Eventive by the Sierra Club


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