The United Nations agency, the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change( has been charged with developing a plan to stop runaway global heating and also getting all the 208 so nations on earth to get committed to the plan. No other organization can possibly do this. So the UNFCCC has been besieged by proposals and lobbyists from corporate elites. Bill Resnick and Tom Athanasiou the founder of the organization Ecoequity discuss how the Left’s emerging plan, Energy Democracy, can prevail over the corporate elites plan that relies on a set of unproven very expensive technologies -- carbon capture, alternative fuels, safe nukes, geo engineering, and more.
Climate Justice Rally in Spain. Image by Ilias Bartolini; public domain photo through Creative Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Climate_Justice_%2848889604463%29.jpg