On this edition of Prison Pipeline: Safe Consumption Spaces, Safe Supply, and Decriminalizing People Who Use Drugs.
Overdose prevention centers and safe consumption spaces are proven public health interventions that save the lives and improve the health of people who use drugs. The state of Rhode Island has already approved a pilot program and other states, such as Colorado, are looking to follow in their footsteps. The Colorado legislature’s Interim Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Study Committee recently voted to send a bill on OPC’s through the drafting process so it may become a bill in the next session. They held a hearing on the concept in August. We hear from one of the witnesses, Lisa Raville, Executive Director of the Harm Reduction Action Center.
Plus, the Sentencing Project and a coalition of other organizations held the Civic Power Convening August 24 through 27. The full title of the convening was Civic Power: Challenging 50 Years of Mass Incarceration. Grassroots organizers and advocacy organizers working on Rights Restoration campaigns, formerly incarcerated community activists, researchers and academics, and others interested in the movement to end mass incarceration gathered in Chicago and online to discuss advocacy campaigns to advance voting rights for all justice impacted communities. We hear from Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, who gave a keynote speech.