Patricia Kullberg hosts this episode of the Old Mole, which includes the following features:
Uprising 2020—Now What? Bill Resnick speaks with Michael Albert about the current insurgency triggered by the murder of George Floyd and how all the anger and hope could be organized into a struggle for life after capitalism where we live in harmony with the natural ecosystems upon which our lives depend. Albert is a staff member of Z Magazine and author of inummerable books on strategy, among them Parecon: Life After Capitalism and Practical Utopia: Strategies for a Desirable Society.
Economic Growth Not a Fix for Poverty: Tom becker reads excerpts from an article entitled, "We can’t grow our way out of poverty," by Jason Hinkel in New Internationalist. Hinkel argues there is another way out—redistribution—and he outlines ideas how this might be accomplished. Hinkel is an anthropologist, author and fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. His most recent book is The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and Its Solutions.
Systemic Racism? Councilwoman Declares not in Vancouver: Desiree Hellegers interviews Adam Aguilera, a 2019 candidate for the Vancouver City Council, board member of the Washington Education Association, high school English teacher for the Evergreen School District, and Chair of the Evergreen Equity Committee, about calls for the resignation of Clark County Council Chair Eileen Quiring, following her declaration that systemic racism is not a problem in Clark County. For more information see KGW coverage of the issue here.
To Turn Anxiety Back into Anger: Norm Diamond reads and reflects on the poem “For Citizenship” by Irish poet John O’Donohue, which speaks of the urgency to turn our anxiety and distraction into anger and solidarity.