Election Races, Ballot Measures and COVID 19 in Oregon Prisons



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Air date: 
Mon, 05/11/2020 - 6:30pm to 7:00pm
Election Races, Ballot Measures and COVID 19 in Oregon Prisons

Karen James speaks with Partnership for Safety and Justice (PSJ) and Safety and Justice Oregon Deputy Director Shannon Wight and Communications Director Talia Gad.  They’ll discuss the May 2020 races for county district attorneys and ballot measures including the Metro housing measure 26-210 as well as other public safety positions including judges and sheriffs races.  PSJ is working to gather signatures to place IP 44, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act, on the Oregon ballot in November. Shannon gives an update on how COVID 19 is affecting Oregon prisoners and staff and Talia informs us on the vulnerability of crime survivors as we shelter in place during this pandemic.


IP44 https://yesonip44.org/

26-210 https://www.oregonmetro.gov/public-projects/measure-26-210-supportive-housing-services

Domestic Violence Hotline:  CALL TO SAFETY 1-888-235-5333

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