On Sunday, October 29th 2017 nine individuals told their stories in a performance titled: Shaping a Future: Life After Prison. The performance was the culmination of a series of writing workshops sponsored by the Regional Arts and Culture Council. The project conceived of and organized by writing teacher, Carol Imani. The performance was held at the First Unitarian Church in downtown Portland and was directed by Chris Karczmar. Each of the awe-inspiring participants read a monologue they wrote over the course of the workshops, they told stories of redemption, grit and determination centering around their reentry to society after time spent in prison. Part six will feature the eighth of the nine monologues, by Judi. The, next and final part of Shaping a Future: Life After Prison will feature Judi's daughter.
Part 1: https://kboo.fm/media/61964-
Part 2: https://kboo.fm/media/61965-
Part 3: https://kboo.fm/media/63031-shaping-future-life-after-prison-part-3
Part 4: https://kboo.fm/media/64139-shaping-future-life-after-prison-part-4
Part 5: https://kboo.fm/media/65178-shaping-future-life-after-prison-part-5
For more about Shaping a Future: facebook.com/Shaping-a-Future-