Stories of taking risks, and ideas of safety - and halloween music!
We also feature an interview with Maya from Art-A-Thon. The Art-A-Thon is a 12-hour art making extravaganza to change the world, and we’re looking for students who want to participate by creating an original work of art about mental health and wellness. Participants will arrive at 9:00am and will have 7 hours to create an original work of art, working in groups of 2-8 people in their preferred art form: theater, film, dance, music, photography or painting/visual art. Then that night, they will perform or present what they created in front of an audience at the Art-A-Thon Festival! the performance is Nov 3rd 6-9pm at Smith Hall, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR
For more information, please contact Maya at maya@artwithimpact.org
Art With Impact (AWI) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote mental wellness by creating space for young people to learn and connect through art and media. We use the arts and creativity to promote discussion about mental health, and reduce stigma around mental illness. AWI is committed to a future where artists are revered as cultural icons of courage and change, enabling young people to communicate freely and fearlessly about their mental health.