Hate/Free Speech at the Library



Hosted by: 
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Air date: 
Mon, 08/13/2018 - 9:00am to 10:00am
cartoon: library patron asks, Do you have Little Women? Librarian replies No, but we have White Supremacists, wackos, and racists


Joe Clement talks with Alessandra Seiter about her recent article for the Socialist Worker on libraries, hate-groups, and free speech. They consider the contradictions of the American Library Association's commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion on the one hand, and neutrality toward oppressive ideologies and groups. Alessandra's proposed resolution is a decidedly non-neutral  "socio-historically informed intellectual freedom" that aims at dismantling systems of oppression.

This is a longer version of the conversation than was broadcast.  The briefer version is available as part of the whole episode.

[Music is a John Elton parodist--Intellectual Freedom - Elton John Philadelphia Freedom]

[Image Credit: Stop Racism and Hate Canada


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