Transgender Day of Remembrance 11/7/17


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Air date: 
Tue, 11/07/2017 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Transpositive PDX explores the vibrant activism in Portland reflecting the Transgender communities

Please join us this week on Transpositive PDX on KBOO Community radio Tuesday, November 7th at 6pm on 90.7 FM in Portland or online at  In the first half of the program we will be joined by Steve Cromer from First United Methodist Church to talk about an interfaith service and vigil that is being organized by some members of the religious community in Portland to show support for the transgender community and to honor the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance.  Then we will have on Guinnevere de Amblia to talk about some of her personal reflections on the Transgender Day of Remembrance coming up on November 20th.  

During the second half of the show we will be talking to Adrian and Kris as part of our ongoing Families and Friends series to talk about what it is like to be the long term parter of a Transgender person.  What was it like when your partner came out to you?  How did their transition affect you personally and what was it about your relationships that kept you together.  What kind of relationship did you have before transition and how did that change after your partner's transition?  What is it like to raise children in a trans family?  

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) is a day to memorialize those who have been murdered as a result of transphobia and to bring attention to the continued violence endured by the transgender community. The Transgender Day of Remembrance was founded in 1999 by Gwendolyn Ann Smith, a transgender woman, to memorialize the murder of transgender woman Rita Hester in Allston, Massachusetts.

Transpositive is a monthly program in Portland exploring themes important to those who identify as Transgender, Gender Non Binary and Gender Non-Conforming.  Transpositive tries to connect listeners with the ongoing activist, arts, culture, and dialogue happening in Portland and beyond.  

Make your voice heard! 

Transpositive PDX is open to new and experienced programmers, guests and events you want our community to know about.  We are an open collective.  Anyone identify as trans, gender non-binary, gender fluid is welcome to be part of our collective after completing some basic free radio training. For more information contact Emma at 

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Archived  and not safe for fcc versions of the podcast can be found 

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