07- Sierra Online Vocal Themes



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Air date: 
Sun, 03/19/2017 - 7:00am to 7:30am

Sierra was a company known for making adventure games for computers in the 1980’s and 1990’s (some of their most popular series were King’s Quest, Space Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry). When CD-ROM computer games exploded in popularity, they decided to feature vocal songs in many of their games. Ranging from comedic to heartfelt, these musical numbers underlined the interactive movie craze at the time. Perhaps they were hoping for a hit single?

So, adjust the feather in your cap and prepare to warble off key. It’s time to listen to some classic vocal tracks from the Sierra computer games.

On today's program:

  • Inca People - Inca (PC) (J.M. Marrier)
  • Der Fluch Des Engelhart - The Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Robert Holmes)
  • Take a Stand - Phantasmagoria (PC) (Mark Seibert)
  • Girl in the Tower- King’s Quest VI: To Heir is Human (PC) (Mark Seibert)
  • Rage - Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh (PC) (Gary Spinrad)
  • Ole’ King Kole - Mixed-Up Mother Goose (PC) (Guy Whitmore)
  • ​The Ballad of Freddy Pharkas - Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist (PC) (Al Lowe + Josh Mandel)
  • Soylent Clear - Space Quest VI: The Spinal Frontier (PC) (Dan Kehler + Neil Grandstaff)
  • Land Beyond Dreams - King’s Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (Mark Seibert)
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