Filmaker of"Uncounted" Looks at Election Discrepancies



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Air date: 
Mon, 05/05/2008 - 5:00pm

 As Oregonians prepare to send in their ballots for the May 20th primary election, it's worth asking whether the votes will be counted fairly. In the 2004 election, there were numerous discrepancies and questionable results in many different districts and states. States that used electronic voting machines were especially affected.  In Ohio, democratic candidate John Kerry conceded the state to George Bush with only nine counties reporting results -- of those nine, all were showing Kerry to be ahead. But few in the media have raised questions about the fact that Ohio was using Diebold voting machines, while the CEO of the Diebold corporation had publicly stated just months before that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president". David Earnhardt is an independent journalist who has pursued the issue of election integrity in the 2004 election.  His film, 'Uncounted', premiered in Portland last night. KBOO reporter Ethan Scarl caught up with the filmmaker after the screening: 

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