Talk with poet, author, and former Jane, Judith Arcana



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Air date: 
Fri, 04/08/2016 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Judith will be reading from her work and discussing abortion access.

Judith Arcana is a Jane as well as a writer; many of her stories, poems, essays and books are about reproductive health and justice in the USA - past, present, and future.

Access to abortion is really central to a woman's autonomy.  The medical procedure is relatively simple, but allowing access to it has been a central way to control women's sexuality and agency.  

On Tuesday, April 12th, The Clinton Street Theater will show the documentary JANE: An Abortion Story, as part of their Reproductive Justice film series.  It will be an evening of thinking and talking about access to abortion care and reproductive freedom. Judith Arcana will be there talking and reading from her work.  

Join us for this conversation by calling into the studio at 503-231-8187
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Photo Credit to Sandra

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