Stop the TPP



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Air date: 
Fri, 03/04/2016 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Checking in on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP)

As promised, Positively Revolting will return to the Trans Pacific Partnership every few weeks until it is defeated. This week, Ani and Lyn bring you an update on the TPP with Michael Shannon, the Executive Director of Oregon Fair Trade, and David Delk from the Alliance for Democracy.

The TPP is a trade agreement, which if enacted would supercede the law of the land.  

The TPP would effect such diverse areas of life as:

  • access to medicine
  • environmental protections
  • food safety
  • consumer protections
  • labor protections
  • Internet freedom
  • Copyright law

The congress has already approved "fast-tracking" authority on the TPP, meaning once it comes before the Congress, it may only be voted up or down- leaving no room to ammend it.  Obama says that passing the TPP is a major priority of his for this last year of his presidency.

Just how bad is the TPP, and how can we stop it?

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Photo / drawing credit to DonkeyHotey  from

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