Old Mole Variety Hour May 5 2014

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Air date: 
Mon, 05/05/2014 - 9:00am to 10:00am
The Walmart Working Class, Well-read Red, Socialism From Below, remembering Paul Robeson Sr. & Jr.

Joe Clement hosts this membership drive special and we hear:
  • Bill Resnick talk with Arun Gupta about his recent article for the Socialist Register, "The Wal-Mart Working-Class". Subscriptions to the Socialist Register will be available as gifts to new and renewing members.
  • Frann Michel reads from Johanna Brenner on "21st Century Socialist Feminism". Arun and Johanna will be speaking at PSU on Wednesday the 7th with Gwen Sullivan and Steve Early about organizing for winning movements in the 21st Century."
  • Joe reads excerpts from an article that defends democracy as a socialist value and takes world-famous philosopher Slavoj Zizek to task for his advocacy around "socialism from above".
  • Laurie Mercier remembers two generations of Robesons as Paul Robeson Jr. recently died.
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