Between the Covers on 10/07/10


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Air date: 
Thu, 10/07/2010 - 11:00am to 11:30am
"Dirk Quigby's Guide to the Afterlife: All You Need to Know to Choose the Right Heaven

Host Lisa Loving interviews E.E. King about her new book "Dirk Quigby's Guide to the Afterlife: All You Need to Know to Choose the Right Heaven Plus a Five-Star Rating System for Music, Food, Drink, and Accommodation," a sly and satirical glimpse into what would happen if a Madison Avenue mad man gave heaven a PR makeover.

Elizabeth Eve King has performed internationally in theater, comedy and dance.
Elizabeth Eve is the recipient of two International Tides fellowships; one in 1998 to paint a mural for Escuelas Para La Vida, a in Cuneca, Spain and the second in 1999 to Tuscany, Italy, where she resided for a month of painting and study. 

The Press.

Exterminating Angel Press, founded by publisher and editor Tod Davies, is a publishing project that brings together books of diverse subject matter joined by a unity of theme, intention, layout, and design. It is neither a commercial nor an academic project, though it has elements of both. As a whole, it is meant to be both a useful and a transformative work of art, contributed to by minds concerned with diverse disciplines, yet sharing a common vision and philosophy.

Materials published by EAP will challenge the dominant cultural story, analyze it, and suggest other ways, other stories… whether imagined or real. The final result, after years of publishing, will be a shelf-full of these books, each one related to the other, written on a wide variety of subjects, but all offering, in one way or another, a challenge to today’s modus operandi

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