Beyond Liberalism

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Air date: 
Mon, 08/04/2014 - 12:00am
Commentary on why progressives must understand liberalism's political commitments & move beyond them

Clayton Morgareidge argues for why we need to "learn to see passed liberalism" and why "we must join and form and nurture political organizations that aim at transforming the capitalist and militarist system of power, which now governs our lives." He does this after admitting the many points of agreement between socialists, anti-capitalists, and liberals about poverty, inequality, war, racism, sexism, etc. He explains the problems of liberalism in terms of fetishizing moral persuasion before the power structures of state and corporate capital.

Clayton draws from Robin Marie Averbeck's Jacobin article Why I Am Not A Liberal. The song after Clayton is from a single released by Mischief Brew in 2013, "Free Radical Radio Fever".

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