Higher Brain Living



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Air date: 
Sat, 06/07/2014 - 12:00am
Douglas Bingley and Dianne Fouts Talk about Higher Brain Living

I had a very interesting talk with Douglas Bingley and Dianne Fouts about Higher Brain Living, a new process to activate the "Higher Brain" or Pre-Frontal Cortex, from which we can live with much less stress and far more creativity.

Douglas Bingley originally trained and worked as a LMT 23 years ago, became a breath work facilitator in re-birthing, then a certified teacher and practitioner of Still-point Breath-work and Aramaic forgiveness process under Dr. Michael Ryce. Doug was trained by Steven Thayer as an Integrated Energy Therapy Master facilitator, and added that work to his skill set. He most recently became aware of Higher Brain Living® , a revolutionary new personal empowerment technique developed and refined over 30 years by Dr. Michael Cotton. Doug sought out and was trained by Michael in 2012 in Higher Brain Living® and is now enjoying offering the Higher Brain Living® personal development program along with Dianne Fouts at the NE Portland Awaken Higher Brain Living™ center. It is his heart passion to join with others in healing and personal transformation.

Dianne Fouts, RN, PHN has 30 years of experience working in Maternal Child health in a variety of settings. Her most recent work was at Woodwinds Hospital in Woodbury MN, where therapies such as acupuncture, aromatherapy, guided visualization, Healing Touch and Reiki were provided to all patients desiring them in complement to traditional Western medicine. She completed certification in Healing Touch in 2007 through Healing Touch International, as taught by the late Janet Mentgen, and served patients in all areas of the hospital with that modality in addition to her usual work in Labor and Delivery. She was trained in Higher Brain Living® by Dr Michael Cotton in 2012, and continues to enjoy her passion for helping people to empower themselves and achieve their dreams.

Free Introductory talks on Higher Brain Living: 
Monday June 9th, 2014 at Tabor Space, 5441 SE Belmont, Portland, OR 97215 at 7:00 pm
Monday June 23rd,2014 at Healing Waters & Sacred Spaces, 2426 NE Broadway, Portland OR 97232 at 7:00 pm

Contact Doug and Dianne:     503-308-8283   Doug@PortlandHigherBrainLiving.com

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