Living Stages Presents Working-Class Poetry Open Mike



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Mon, 04/28/2014 - 12:00am
Living Stages Presents Working-Class Poetry Open Mike May 2nd
Joe Clement talks with Tamara Lynne and Daisy Montague of Living Stages, a branch of the Theatre of the Oppressed, which will be hosting a Working-Class Poets Open Mike on May 2nd. Theater of the Oppressed was founded by Augusto Boal in Brazil during the dictatorship there as a way of breaking down divisions between spectators and actors, making everyone an active "spect-actor." Living Stages offers workshops, trainings and performances to Portland communities and beyond, using theatre to "turn non-actors into actors-- in the theatre and in society." The Working-Class Poets event invites all those interested to express their experiences as workers through songs, poems, stories, or other media. It takes place at Anna Bananas in combination with their regular slam poetry event, the day after May Day, from 7pm -9pm on NE Alberta & 24th.
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