Well Read Red: structural adjustments come to the USA



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Air date: 
Mon, 08/01/2011 - 12:00am
Structural adjustments come to the USA and how to resist

Frann takes on the idea that the United States is broke, reminds us of the ramification of the kind of spending-cuts being demanded in Washington, and the sort of demands we should be making for the massive wealth held by the ruling class. She suggests that resistance to austerity, precisely to be realistic, must arise from outside the channels of power currently demanding austerity in the first place. "People power, from Greece to Spain to Egypt to Tunisia, is anything but a utopian phrase - it is the watchword of those on the front-line in the struggle against austerity." She also reminds us that "austerity" isn't new - before it used to be called structural adjustments.

At the end of the section is a rousing speech Dennis Kucinich gave before the House last week against structural adjustments and for investing in America

A written version with links to referenced material can be found HERE.

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