This week on Century of Lies: Decriminalization, Depenalization, Diversion, and Legalization of Drugs.
The Oireachtas, which is the Parliament of the Republic of Ireland, established a Joint Committee on Drugs Use in March of this year to consider and respond to the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use. The Joint Committee held a discussion June 27 and July Fourth on decriminalization, depenalization, diversion, and legalization of drugs at which they heard invited testimony from a number of experts. On this edition of Century we hear from some of those witnesses including Alex Stevens, PhD, a Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of Kent; Niamh Eastwood, Executive Director of the UK NGO Release; Dr. Ricardo Baptista Leite, a city councilor in Sintra, Portugal, a former member of the Portuguese Parliament, and the founder and president of the UNITE Parliamentarians Network for Global Health; and Dr. Marta Pinto, a researcher and assistant professor at the University of Porto.
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