Host Glen Andresen and co-pilot Jim Gilbert are back in the studio for another live show. It may be April, but that doesn't mean it's time to plant everything; we offer up a primer of cold- and warm-season crops and when to plant them. Plus, it's almost time to bag some apples. Huh? Yep, a primer of why and how...and what bagging apples even means. Also, Jim let's us know what new fruit varieties they're working on on the farm. And, my, my, my, there certainly are a lot of types and kinds of onions out there. We give you our recommendations.
As always, we'll have a new Plant of the Month (columnar apples) and a new Garden Stumper (the winner gets a free sharpening of a hand tool from Cully Farm Store in Northeast Portland!). Plus, our (Double) Dirtbag Dictionary term is "stalk and calyx." And, of course, what's annoying Glen this month...or at least what he's been thinking about.
Don't forget, if you have a gardening question, and don't want to call in, you can always email us at thedirtbag@kboo.org -- we'll answer your question on the air during the next show.
The Dirtbag, a garden variety show... Listen. Laugh. Learn.